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Importing Existing Android Project Into Eclipse Renames Project

Every time I import an existing Android Application Project into Eclipse, it renames the project to the name of my launcher activity.

I have tried both of these methods:

File -> Import -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace

File -> New -> Android Project From Existing Code

In both of these scenarios, I browse to the project folder and select it, which causes it to show in the 'Projects' window as available for importing. However, the project is showing as being titled 'LauncherActivity', or something similar.

It's easy enough to change the project name back to what it was originally, I know how to do this: 将项目名称更改回原来的名称很容易,我知道该怎么做:

Right-click on Project -> Refactor -> Rename

However, it is annoying to have to do it every time.

The .project file contains the correct project name, and yet the problem still occurs. .project文件包含正确的项目名称,但问题仍然存在。

The project name is probably set in the project file. Try to edit the .project file, and change the name tag:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

which version of Eclipse you are using?

I use Eclipse inside the android SDK, no this problem.

Import the project , right click -> Refactor->Rename, project name changed.

Next time I import this project, the name not fallback to original.

You can try the the latest SDK which contains Eclipse Download Android SDK

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