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How to use pointers with struct members

Last week in my computer science class, we wrote a program that contained a function that imported "cards" from a file like so:

  struct card
  char rank[10];
  char suit[10];
  char color;
  bool dealt;
  char location[12];


  void importCard(card deck[])
  ifstream fin;
  int index;  


  fin >> deck[index].rank;
  fin >> deck[index].suit;



Basically, I HEAVILY use the dot operator within this function.

NOW, my assignment is to revise this to use pointers in place of all square brackets. However, it doesn't work if I use something like

fin >> *deckPointer.suit;

because pointer don't work with dot operators. So, how do I write this to loop through all the cards? I know how I would write it to loop through one card, but I don't know how I would make it loop through all the cards. Also, I can't use any other, more advanced tools, like vectors, so don't suggest that. Also, I am ONLY allowed to increment my pointers with ++ and --, not by any other amount.

Pointers work with dot operators, it's their precedence that is wrong. You can throw in some parentheses to fix it:

 fin >> (*deckPointer).suit;

There is a convenient shorthand for this in c++ syntax: -> operator, combining pointer dereference and field access:

find >> deckPointer->suit;

Here's a hint for you:

card* temp = &deck[index];

is the same as

card *temp = deck;
temp += index;

then you can use -> to get at pointed to values. As this is homework, I don't want to go much further.

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