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Solr 4.0 Delta-import 3 tables join

I am using Solr 4.0 DIH(JDBC connector) on Ubuntu. I am trying to make the following MySQL JOIN query work with Solr on Delta-import :

select c.*,u.*,g.* from user u inner join group g on u.bus_grp_id = g.dt_grp_id inner join customer c on c.id = g.dt_id

Here c, u, g are the aliases of the tables customer , user and group respectively.

Below is the data-config.xml file for full and delta import:

<entity name="cust" pk="id" query="select c.*,u.*,g.* from user u inner join group g on u.bus_grp_id = g.dt_grp_id inner join customer c on c.id = g.dt_id"
                deltaImportQuery="select c.*,u.*,g.* from user u inner join group g on u.bus_grp_id = g.dt_grp_id inner join customer c on c.id = g.dt_id where c.id='${dih.delta.c.id}'"
                deltaQuery="select id from customer where last_modified &gt; '${dih.last_index_time}'">

                <entity name="grp" pk="dt_id"
                    query="select * from group where dt_id='${cust.c.id}'"
                    deltaQuery="select dt_id from group where last_modified > '${dih.last_index_time}'"
                    parentDeltaQuery="select id from customer where id=${grp.dt_id}" >

                <entity name="usr" pk="bus_grp_id"
                query="select * from user"
                deltaQuery="select bus_grp_id from user where last_modified > '${dih.last_index_time}'"
                parentDeltaQuery="select dt_grp_id from group where dt_grp_id=${usr.bus_grp_id}" >


The full-import is ok but the Delta-import is not working(I'm getting no results after delta import). It's been almost one month since I'm trying to make this work but couldn't.

Any help? please!

If the query in your main entity element ie

select c.*,u.*,g.* from user u 
inner join group g on u.bus_grp_id = g.dt_grp_id 
inner join customer c on c.id = g.dt_id

is giving you all the fields you need to index in Solr, I don't think you need the other two sub-entities. Also I guess there is a typo in your deltaImportQuery. You should use dih.delta.id and not dih.delta.c.id .

I guess if you keep just this, it should work fine:

   query="select c.*,u.*,g.* from user u 
            inner join group g on u.bus_grp_id = g.dt_grp_id 
            inner join customer c on c.id = g.dt_id"
   deltaImportQuery="select c.*,u.*,g.* from user u 
            inner join group g on u.bus_grp_id = g.dt_grp_id 
            inner join customer c on c.id = g.dt_id 
              where c.id='${dih.delta.id}'"
   deltaQuery="select id from customer 
                where last_modified &gt; '${dih.last_index_time}'" />

As soon as you do a full import, check the file dataimport.properties. Once your full import completes, make sure you got some documents in customer table with last_modified greater than the time you find in dataimport.properties so the delta has some data to run on. Then try delta import and see if those docs get re-indexed. You can find out how many got indexed with the delta import by looking at http://HOST:PORT/solr/CORE/dataimport

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