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Ember.js right way of records creation

Cheers! I have models structure like this:

App.Foo = DS.Model.extend({
  bars: DS.hasMany('App.Bar')

App.Bar = DS.Model.extend({
  number: DS.attr('number'),
  foo: DS.belongsTo('App.Foo')

Is it ok to create App.Bar record first? And if yes, then how to create App.Foo in future and associate already existing Bars records to it in right way? I just want to know, if there something like 'ember-way' in such situations?

Is it ok to create App.Bar record first?


if yes, then how to create App.Foo in future and associate already existing Bars records to it in right way?

bar = store.createRecord(App.Bar);

foo = store.createRecord(App.Foo);


For some more detailed examples see one-to-many-relationship-tests

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