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Is `std::vector<primitive>::clear()` a constant time operation?

Calling clear() on a vector will call the destructors of whatever is stored in the vector, which is a linear time operation. But is this the case when the vector contains primitive types like int or double ?

I believe the answer is implementation dependent. It takes at most linear time, but some implementations may choose to optimize this.

Per ' Does clearing a vector affect its capacity? ', neither MSVC nor G++ decrease the capacity of their vectors, even when .clear is called. Looking at the G++ headers, it is evident that .clear is constant-time with the default allocator, as long as the elements are scalar (primitive arithmetic types or pointers).

Think about this from the POV of how a vector is likely implemented. When you invoke:

 delete [] internalPtr;

What happens?

  • The heap must reclaim a contiguous block of space
  • destructors must fire or each object in internalPtr

The former must still happen for primitive types, but destructors don't exist for them. So delete[] will execute based entirely on how fast the heap can delete a block of memory

In this link:


It says complexity of clear() is linear in size (destructions).

Well.. it says that clear() is linear, but we also know that it calls the destructor of every item...


What if the destructor call ist not linear?

However, on primitives the destructor-call is linear (or constant, this is not important unless it is not more than linear)

so yes, on primitives is clear() always a linear operation

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