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Excel sumif with criteria

I have a last_name, first_name, salary, and total_salary columns. The sales person appears multiple times throughout the spread sheet. What I would like to do is write a function that will sum up the salary column in the total_salary column only where the sales person appears.

Example output:

Desired output:


Try this (assuming your data is in columns A:C starting row 1):


Autofit down the list as required.

Use the SumIfs function.

Suppose your data starts in cell A1

You Would have:

A        B       C       D
Brian    Adam    3000    =SUMIFS($C$1:$C$8,$A$1:$A$8,A1,$B$1:$B$8,B1)

And then just drag down column D

Obviously change the $8 part of the function to the correct number of rows for the sheet.

Make your fname , lname and sal columns named ranges

use this formula where ever you want.




You can replace "Brian" and "Adam" with range references too.

I case you are not familiar: Making a named range


editing a named range


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