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Issue with deploying EAR file contains jaxb-xjc-2.1.12.jar in WebSpher 8

We have an issue with deploying our EAR file on Websphere stack. Ear contains jaxb-xjc-2.1.12.jar which has package defined [ 1.0/org/apache/xml/resolver/tools ], but application treats it as [ 1/0/org/apache/xml/resolver/tools ] instead.

Issue is trivial, were we get some warning messages, but doesn't look good

WARNING: Failed to open resource [ 1/0/org/apache/xml/resolver/tools/CatalogResolver.class ] from module [ WEB-INF/lib/jaxb-xjc-2.1.12.jar ]

I understand this is because annotation processing enabled in WAS8.501 and not appeared in previous version of Websphere server. After some research we found we can set it to ignore scanning, some thing like shown below.

Ignore-Scanning-Archives : jaxb-xjc-2.1.12.jar
Ignore-Scanning-Packages :1.0

But did not work for me.

Any alternative idea would be much appreciated.


We have checked with IBM about this issue, and they have confirmed its an issue with Websphere They will be fixing in Websphere

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