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Browser websocket fallback and support

Simple question: I saw on the site of socket.io several fallbacks for websockets ( http://socket.io/#browser-support )

But I can not find (even after a long google session) which browsers use which fallback. The reason I'm asking is that I want to avoid a long polling fallback so I need to know which browsers and versions would use that.

[EDIT ]Seeing as this got downvoted I need to carify myself:

I need to know which browsers/versions eventually fall back to long polling. I can not simple assume the use of long polling in my case because long polling would present problems. Hope this makes it more clear and why I could not find it as easily..

[EDIT 2] Sorry for being so unclear:

I kinda see now that I basically asked which browsers use a fallback. But that's not what I meant to ask as I already know this. I meant to ask how to detect or know which fallback will be used. For my application flash is no problem, but long polling could present problems. Thanks!

If you want to know which browers work ahead of time, then Can I Use is a great reference.

If you want to detect support in your application when it is running, then you can just test for the existence of the WebSocket object:

if (WebSocket) {
    // Use websockets
} else {
    // Fallback will be used

(This code should be run on the client side, in the browser - not in your node.js app itself)


If you need to know exactly what fallback is being used, create a socket, then check the socket.transport.name property. (So if your socket is called "socket", you'll be checking socket.socket.transport.name ). It can be one of the following:

  • websocket
  • htmlfile
  • xhr-polling
  • jsonp-polling

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