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How do I change the git origin remote location of Homebrew in Mac OS X 10.8 (mountain lion)?

In setting up my Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion environment ( per these instructions ), I am running into an issue with Homebrew after installing it and running brew doctor in the shell.

    Warning: Suspicious git origin remote found.

    With a non-standard origin, Homebrew won't pull updates from
    the main repository. The current git origin is:

    Unless you have compelling reasons, consider setting the
    origin remote to point at the main repository, located at:

How can I change the git origin remote location?

Thanks to this post , I discovered my issue.

When installing Homebrew, it doesn't seem to pull the latest version. After installation, run brew update . Homebrew more recently fixed the "Origin issue" in a later release which is reflected upon updating the installation.

I just upgraded my iMac to 10.9.1 and then did a brew update . After that brew doctor gave me the 'non-standard origin' warning. The post referred to by @tom-geoco didn't really say what was wrong or explain how to manually change the 'origin remote' setting, but, as per @jesdisciple's comment above I just quit the Terminal, run it up again and tried brew doctor and the problem vanished. brew --config now reports ORIGIN: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew.git which is correct. Spooky eh?

Comment: (I do not have enough reputation to comment, so please add this and delete this)

  1. brew update
  2. brew doctor -> Suspicious origin error
  3. restart terminal
  4. brew doctor -> Suspicious origin error
  5. brew update
  6. restart terminal
  7. brew doctor -> All ok.

This is how it was for me. I hope this helps someone else out there. Notice that you must run brew update twice to get rid of it.

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