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Two columns in from[ ] , one column in to[]

I have next problem. I have three columns in DB (id integer, picture_int integer(picture from resourse), picture_galery( path) and I want to set images from DB in listview. I want to check, if column picture_int is null, set image from column picture_galery and if picture_int!=null then set this picture. Sory for my english=(

You can use a Custom adapter by extending a BaseAdapter and overriding the required methods

 public int getCount() {
   return somevalie;

  public Object getItem(int arg0) {
  return arg0;

  public long getItemId(int arg0) {
   return arg0;

  public View getView(int arg0, View arg1, ViewGroup arg2) {

return view

For more info look at Custom Adapter Sample

and later create the database which you can access for setting the images to the custom list view. suppose consider like

if(theFieldYouAccess == null)
 //Do what you want
 //Do what you want

In the getView() functionality

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