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Catching the Submit works in Firefox but not in Chrome

I'm using this to catch the submit button press, validate everything, and then either stop it or let it go through, this works in Firefox, but not in Chrome, Chrome lets the form go through empty. I also have a reset function that works in Chrome but in firefox. I'm brand new to js and jquery and could use some help figuring this out since stuff working in one browswer and not in the other confuses the heck out of me :)

(Sorry about having my test alert in there still)

Here's the code:

if (e.originalEvent.explicitOriginalTarget.id=="btn") {

if (bizNameValid==false || bizWebValid==false || bizStreetValid==false || bizCityValid==false || bizStateValid==false || bizZipValid==false || bizPhoneValid==false || firstValid==false || lastValid==false || custStreetValid==false || custCityValid==false || custStateValid==false || custZipValid==false || custPhoneValid==false || custEmailValid==false || monValid==false || yearValid==false || typeValid==false || ccValid==false) {
alert("bizNameValid:" + bizNameValid+"\n bizWebValid:"+bizWebValid+"\n bizStreetValid"+bizStreetValid +"\n bizCityValid: "+bizCityValid+ "\n bizStateValid:"+bizStateValid+"\n bizZipValid: "+bizZipValid+"\n bizPhoneValid:"+bizPhoneValid+"\n firstValid:"+firstValid+"\n lastValid:"+lastValid+"\n custStreetValid:"+custStreetValid+"\ncustCityValid"+custCityValid+"\n custStateValid"+custStateValid+"\n custZipValid:"+custZipValid+"\n custPhoneValid"+custPhoneValid+"\n custEmailValid:"+custEmailValid+"\n monValid:"+monValid+"\n yearValid:"+yearValid +"\n ccValid:"+ccValid+" \nccType:"+typeValid);
return false;

else if(total==0) {
$("#svc_desc").append("</br><label id='first_error' style='font-size:16pt;'>You must select a service to continue</label>");
alert("You must select a service to continue");
return false;
else {
return true;


    var target = e.originalEvent || e.originalTarget;

    if($(target.srcElement || target.originalTarget).attr('id')=="btn"){

    //rest of  your code 


ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8067990/1679410

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