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@AfterClass in SpringJUnit4ClassRunner (how to use beans in teardown)

I want to use beans in tear-down method in spring unit test (SpringJUnit4ClassRunner). But this method (that is annotated with @AfterClass) should be static. What can be the solution?


//.. bla bla other annotations
public class Test{

private SomeClass some;

public void tearDown(){
    //i want to use "some" bean here, 
    //but @AfterClass requires that the function will be static

public void test(){
    //test something


Perhaps you want to use @After instead of @AfterClass. It isn't static.

JUnit uses a new instance for each test method, so in @AfterClass execution the Test instance don't exists and you can't access to any member.

If you really need it, you could add a static member to the test class with the application context and set it manually using an TestExecutionListener

for example:

public class ExposeContextTestExecutionListener  extends AbstractTestExecutionListener {

    public void afterTestClass(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
        Field field = testContext.getTestClass().getDeclaredField("applicationContext");
        field.set(null, testContext.getApplicationContext());

public class ExposeApplicationContextTest  {

    private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public static void tearDown() {

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