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MongoDb not saving Java POJO part of a spring application

I have the following Java Pojo part of an application I am making:

public class Resume implements ResumePlan,Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -5332235643191283709L;

    private String id;
    private Objective objective;
    private PersonalDetails personalDetails;
    private Skills skills;
    private Experience experience;
    private Education education;
    private References references;
    private Publications publications;

I am saving it by the following code:


When I check on the backend in the mongodb console: following is getting stored:

db.resume.find(); { "_id" : "test@abc.com+919876543210", "_class" : "com.springmyresume.resume.Resume" }

It is not storing the rest of the bean objects like PersonalDetails etc..

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here.

It is solved. I made the following changes. 1) Removed @Autowired annotation 2) Added @DBRef annotation With the @Autowired annotation the field objects were not getting saved. I don't know why this is the behaviour.

First please make sure that you have all necessary fields' classes ( Objective , PersonalDetails ) annotated as @Document .

For second, please provide getters and setters for fields objects.

Also please make sure, that you have specified actual @Id , otherwise spring will do it for you.

BTW, if you would like to not use embedding, you may use @DBRef annotation. Here is quite good information:


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