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Linux basic shell scripting

So I need my while loop to continually loop but it stops after the first user's input, example:

[user]$: ./pleasefix.sh

Enter Input:test

test is writeable.


Heres my script as it is:

if [ "$#" -ne 0 ]
        echo  "$0" "is expecting no arguments; found $# $*"
        echo "Usage: "$0""
        exit 2

while read -p "Enter Input:" userString

if [ -w "$userString" ]
        echo ""$userString" is writeable."
        exit 0
        echo ""$userString" is nonexistent or not writeable."

        exit 1


What can I add to my while to make it actually loop and re prompt the user for another file name? Basically I want it to last forever until a EOF is sent (crtl + D)

exit 0 exit 1

You are using "exit" at both case if-else. You can remove one of them.

Remove the "exit 0" and the "exit 1"? Those will cause it to exit your script.

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