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Deploying Java Application(Main Class) over Weblogic

I have a Java Application consisting of a Main Class and Java Proxies(Created using Axis 1.4).There are no Servlets or JSP`s

The program takes i/p from an excel sheet.Queries an internet application using Webservices.This process continues until all the records in the Excel have been executed.

Now my First question is how do I deploy this application on Weblogic:As a WAR, EAR or JAR(Not as WAR ofcourse) If it is a web application we can invoke it by a path like


but this aint a web application, so how would I invoke it. In Jdevloper I right Click on Main Class, Click RUN and it starts executing.Now I have to deploy over a Weblogic Server in a Linux System

Second Question: How do I shedule it.Suppose if i want it to run weekly or daily.

For this, you don't need any kind of web related servers, but some kind of a task scheduler, like cron to schedule a command line starting your Java application

You can run your compiled classes too, I'd advise to create a JAR file of them, that makes things a lot more clean.

You could make your program a timer EJB: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnboy.html

Just note that Java EE entities don't work to well with local files, so you need to consider where your excel sheet is located.

I'm not so sure you need to make it a Java EE app, just a scheduled program.

Good luck

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