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Import-CSV and Foreach

I've got a huge comma seperated CSV-list with IP-addresses of my network that I want to run queries against. Example of my CSV input:,,,


When I run the following code to test for the output:

$filepath = "c:\scripts\servers.csv" 
$servers = Import-CSV $filepath -delimiter "," 

Foreach ($server in $servers) {
     write-host $server


I get no output, I think it's because there are no headers specified. I can obviously do a workaround and open the CSV-file and type in all the headers. Are there any other ways to solve this?

You can create the headers on the fly (no need to specify delimiter when the delimiter is a comma):

Import-CSV $filepath -Header IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4 | Foreach-Object{
   Write-Host $_.IP1
   Write-Host $_.IP2
$IP_Array = (Get-Content test2.csv)[0].split(",")
foreach ( $IP in $IP_Array){

Get-content Filename returns an array of strings for each line.

On the first string only, I split it based on ",". Dumping it into $IP_Array.

$IP_Array = (Get-Content test2.csv)[0].split(",")
foreach ( $IP in $IP_Array){
  if ($IP -eq "") {
    Write-Host "Found $IP"

Solution is to change Delimiter.

Content of the csv file -> Note .. Also space and , in value

Values are 6 Dutch word aap,noot,mies,Piet, Gijs, Jan


a,ap;noo,t;mi es

P,iet;G ,ijs;Ja ,n

$csv = Import-Csv C:\TejaCopy.csv -Delimiter ';' 


Write-Host $csv
@{Col1=a,ap; Col2=noo,t; Col3=mi es} @{Col1=P,iet; Col2=G ,ijs; Col3=Ja ,n}

It is possible to read a CSV file and use other Delimiter to separate each column.

It worked for my script :-)

$filepath = ".\\ADcomputerslist.csv" $servers = Import-CSV $filepath -delimiter ","

Foreach ($entry in $servers) { write-host $entry.name }

also can replace stupid file with object.

$servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property * | Select-Object Name,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemVersion,ipv4Address

Foreach ($entry in $servers) { write-host $entry.name }

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