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MEF Import is null

I have an Import that is not working - the object is null. Originally it was an ImportMany but I simplified it down to an Import to try to identify the issue but I haven't been successful in doing so.

I've gone through this site and Google and followed the main ideas:

  • Don't instantiate the class yourself, let MEF do it, otherwise call container.getExport() - still doesn't work
  • Put an [Export] on the class containing the [Import] property otherwise it won't be picked up as a part by the container composition process (confirmed when debugging).

My code set up is as follows (simplified for the sake of compactness):


public class MyBootstrapper
    //Automatically called by ExcelDna library, I do not instantiate this class
    public void AutoOpen()
        var ac1 = new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(XLHandler).Assembly);
        var ac2 = new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(MyComponent).Assembly);

        var agc = new AggregateCatalog();

        var cc = new CompositionContainer(agc);

        catch (CompositionException exception) {}

public class XLHandler
    public IMyComponent _component;

    public void SomeMethod()
        //try to use _component but it is null


public interface IMyComponent


public MyComponent : IMyComponent
    //more stuff...

Anybody know/have an idea as to why the _component variable in XLHandler is not injected into by the MEF container?

Do I need to Export/create an AssemblyCatalog for the Interface in Assembly2?

When importing parts, you can either use the [Import] attribute on a Property, or request it as part of the Constructor and use an [ImportingConstructor] attribute.

Any part imported using the [Import] attribute will not be available in the class's constructor

So in your case, change the XLHandler class like this:

public class XLHandler
    public void SomeMethod(MyComponent component)
        _component = component;
       // You can use _component, since it has already been resolved...

In MyBootstrapper.AutoOpen you need to replace:


with something like:

var handler = new XLHandler();


var handler = cc.GetExportedValue<XLHandler>();

You cannot compose the parts of MyBootstrapper since it has not imports. ComposeParts does nothing.

Another approach is to add an import to MyBootstrapper . Like:

public class MyBootstrapper
    XLHandler XLHandler;

    //Automatically called by ExcelDna library, I do not instantiate this class
    public void AutoOpen()
        //Leave your implementation unchanged.

By the way MyComponent does not compile.

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