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how can i access my directory

I want to access the path for my directory, but I can not. I put a breakpoint in my code:

string directoryPath = args[0];

And when i clicked on the args[0]; , it showed me this image:

-       args    {string[3]} string[]
        [0] "C:\\Users\\soft\\Documents\\Visual"    string
        [1] "Studio"    string
        [2] "2010\\Projects\\erereerer\\erereerer\\bin\\Debug\\MAXee\\" string
        directoryPath   null    string
        filesList   null    string[]
        filesListTmp    null    string[]
        opList  null    erereerer.IFileOperation[]

I have been trying to access my directory but I have been failing. I tried so many times but when I run my code its saying directory does not exist while the directory is in fact there..

This is my code:

class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
      string directoryPath = args[0];
      string[] filesList, filesListTmp;
      IFileOperation[] opList = { new FileProcNameAfter10(),
                                  new FileProcEnc(),
                                  new FileProcByExt("jpeg"),
                                  new FileProcByExt("jpg"),
                                  new FileProcByExt("doc"),
                                  new FileProcByExt("pdf"),
                                  new FileProcByExt("djvu")

   if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
      filesList = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath);
      while (true)
         filesListTmp = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath);

         foreach (var elem in Enumerable.Except<string>(filesListTmp, filesList))

            foreach (var op in opList)
               if (op.Accept(elem)) op.Process(elem);
            filesList = filesListTmp;
            if (Console.KeyAvailable == true && Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) break;

       Console.WriteLine("There is no such directory.");

[0] "C:\\Users\\soft\\Documents\\Visual" string
[1] "Studio" string
[2] "2010\\Projects\\erereerer\\erereerer\\bin\\Debug\\MAXee\\" string

It tells me that you are passing the arguments without quotes.

Call you program this way:

MyApp.exe "C:\Users\soft\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\erereerer\erereerer\bin\Debug\MAXee\"

Or just do what Blachshma said:

directoryPath = String.Join(" ", args);

Either pass the directory in quotes:

MyProgram.exe "C:\Users\soft\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\erereerer\erereerer\bin\Debug\MAXee\"

or Join the args in code:

directoryPath = String.Join(" ", args);

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