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Comparing two DataTables (Unit Testing, Integration Testing, C#, TestMethod)

What kind of tests should be carried out in unit testing when comparing Datatables that are supposed to be different and have multiple rows.

    public void ExecuteOutWithMultipleDataTables()
        int id1 = TestOrderBuilder.New().Build();
        DataTable dtDefault = CreateDefaultDataTable(id1, "OUT", "TableDesc", DateTime.Now);

        object[] result = OracleDatabase.ExecuteOut(SqlStatements.Cursor, procedureParameters);
        DataTable dtResults = result[0] as DataTable;

        Assert.AreNotEqual(dtDefault, dtResults);
        Assert.AreNotSame(dtDefault.Rows[0][0], dtResults.Rows[0][0]);
        Assert.AreNotSame(dtDefault.Rows[0][1], dtResults.Rows[0][1]);

This is an example of some of what I have wrote already, but I am unsure if I am on the right track.

Does anyone have advice?


You need to write a helper method if you need to verify each row and column value.

Also , it does not looks like an unit test because it looks you are calling real database rather then mocking it.

may be something like below

private bool IsTableSame(DataTable t1, DataTable t2)
        if (t1 == null)
            return false;
        if (t2 == null)
            return false;
        if (t1.Rows.Count != t2.Rows.Count)
            return false;

        if (t1.Columns.Count != t2.Columns.Count)
            return false;

        if (t1.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Any(dc => !t2.Columns.Contains(dc.ColumnName)))
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i <= t1.Rows.Count-1; i++)
            if (t1.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Any(dc1 => t1.Rows[i][dc1.ColumnName].ToString() != t2.Rows[i][dc1.ColumnName].ToString()))
                return false;

        return true;

I have wrapped the same helper method above to use asserts. It helps in debugging a unit test.

private void AssertTableRecordsAreEqual(DataTable expectedTable, DataTable actualTable)
        Assert.IsNotNull(actualTable, "Table is empty");
        Assert.AreEqual(expectedTable.Columns.Count, actualTable.Columns.Count, "Number of columns in actual and expected tables are different");
        Assert.AreEqual(expectedTable.Rows.Count, actualTable.Rows.Count, "Number of records in actual and expected tables are different");
        Assert.IsFalse(expectedTable.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Any(dc => !actualTable.Columns.Contains(dc.ColumnName)), "Table column names are different");

        for (int i = 0; i <= expectedTable.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
            Assert.IsFalse(expectedTable.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Any(dc1 => expectedTable.Rows[i][dc1.ColumnName].ToString() != actualTable.Rows[i][dc1.ColumnName].ToString()), "Table row value is different");

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