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Telerik Rad Editor Css not Rendring Properly

I am Using Telerik RadEditor it is working fine with Firefox and chrome but in IE it doesn't show any toolbar I have used the radeditor as

      <telerik:radeditor skinid="DefaultSetOfTools" runat="server" id="txtNotes"
                            height="250px" width="95%"  toolsfile="~/RadTool.xml">


Snapshot of IE:


Any idea?


Internet Explorer has a maximum limit of 32 CSS file links. I have had this issue before and was solved by merging them and decreasing the number of CSS file requests.

See this

You need to make sure that ToolsFile is loaded properly in IE and make sure that there is no nay Javascript errors in IE that might affect creation of Toolbar (You can check that using Console window of IE Developer Tools).

Refer to this Telerik Demo for Setting Toolbars

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