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Login using Gmail credentials

Is there a way I can use Google credentials to get basic user info like

Email, Name, Gender

and use them in my application? Its like allowing user to login into my application using Gmail.

I asked the same here .

But the answer says:

You should not use Gmail for user authentication using Google accounts. You can use Google + Sign-in for Android instead. This will allow you to access the user's profile information upon getting the required permissions using OAuth. Check out the guide here:

which i followed and everything worked fine.

But if a Gmail account has no GooglePlus profile, My application asks to create a GooglePlus account. Which makes me think I implemented a GooglePlus Login instead of Gmail Login.

Is the answer for my other question right? Meaning without a GooglePlus profile you cannot have a Gmail Login in Android?

If not how can I have a Google Login in my application?

A similar question here , with no replies.

Please help. Thank You

Try article on this Url : http://nilvec.com/implementing-smtp-or-imap-xoauth-authentication-in-java.html .

I think this will help you

Documentation for using Google's OAuth2 to authenticate a user are provided at https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2Login . As the page notes, however, you and your users get additional features if they use a Google+ account and the Google+ Sign-in, but this is not necessary.

The scopes required are

  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile for name and gender
  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email for the user's email address

Update : I should amend that these scopes are now deprecated, and scheduled for removal. See the URL above for details.

I wouldn't confuse a "gmail" account and a "Google+" account as being different things. Really what you want is for a user to authenticate with their "Google account", which spans many services.

On Android, the easiest way to build authentication with Google accounts is to use the Google Play Services SDK , which includes services like Google sign in.

Google+ documents an end-to-end approach to using Google Play Services SDKs that cover the issues that you asked about by using the PlusClient :

  1. Setting up the client
  2. Getting the user's email address using either PlusClient.getAccountName() or the REST methods.
  3. Getting the user's profile info using the PlusClient.loadPerson()

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