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Ember set date field that is using DS.attr(“date”)

I have a simple model Expense which has date, amount, description .

My problem is, when the record is sent to the server, the date field is always nil , only works if I leave it in the default value.

The model has a defualt value for date. When the form is rendered, the default date is prepopulated. If this form is submitted, the value is sent. If I do click on the input field(focus), it would always submit nil to the server.

Am I doing something wrong?

Code below. Sorry if it looks alien, I'm using coffeescript =)

Received params

{"expense"=>{"amount"=>10, "date"=>nil, "description"=>"Hello I got an expense"}}


Household.Expense = DS.Model.extend
  amount:      DS.attr('number')
  date:        DS.attr('date', { defaultValue: new Date})


Household.ExpensesNewView = Ember.View.extend()


Household.ExpensesNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
  create: ->

  init: ->
    @transaction = @.get('store').transaction()
    @set 'content', @transaction.createRecord(Household.Expense)

  save: ->
    this.transaction = null

  transitionAfterSave: (->
    if @get('content.id')

When an input field like the below is used:

<form {{action save on="submit"}} class="form-horizontal">
  {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="date" id="date" placeholder="Date" required="true"}}
@transaction.set('date', new Date(this.get('date')));

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