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java.lang.NullPointerException over a SVGPath LinkedList

i create a SVGPath LinkedList however, when i iterate over this list i'm getting java.lang.NullPointerException . It's a simple LinkedList which has a size of 9. here you can see the code below.

public class RiskControllerClass implements Initializable {

    private SVGPath NA_1; // Alaska

    private SVGPath NA_2; // NorthWest_Ter

    private SVGPath NA_3; // Greenland

    private SVGPath NA_4; // Quebec

    private SVGPath NA_5; // Ontario

    private SVGPath NA_6; // Alberta

    private SVGPath NA_7; // E_America

    private SVGPath NA_8; // W_America

    private SVGPath NA_9; // C_America

    private LinkedList<SVGPath> regions = new LinkedList<>();

    private String nodeID;

    public RiskControllerClass() {


        System.out.println("Length : " + regions.size());

                for (Iterator<SVGPath> iter = regions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    SVGPath sVGPath = iter.next();



when i try to print just only sVGPath like System.out.print(sVGPath) it prints all the values null . however, when i print the size of list it gives 9 !. how it could be ?. i will appreciate if you can help and thanks anyway.

Short answer: A java.util.LinkedList can contain null entries.

Detailed answer: Your code is in the constructor of the class, so it's virtually impossible that some framework (FXML) could have put values into NA_1 , NA_2 , ..., NA_9 . So you are now adding nine uninitialized fields to your LinkedList . Uninitialized fields in Java are always null . So your list contains 9 elements, all of which are null .

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