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Prepared statement like POP PHP Framework

I'm using the POP PHP Framework ( http://www.popphp.org/ ). I'm trying to write a prepared statement to check if an email address already exists or not in the database.

Digging through the manual I can't find any example on how to compare a text string with a result in the database, only numbers. To do that it isn't that hard, just like:

$sql->select()->where()->greaterThanOrEqualTo('id', '?');

But comparing if an email address exists or not, I can't find the solution for. Below is my incomplete code. Line 6 is where I try to do a comparison. Getting no error because it isn't supported. The mail address exists in the database, so that isn't any problem.

// Check if user already exists
$db = Db::factory($this->type, $this->creds);

// Create a prepared statement
$sql = new Sql($db, 'user');
$sql->select()->where()->like('email', '?');

// Prepare the statement, bind the parameters and execute
$db->adapter()->prepare('email', '?');
$db->adapter()->bindParams(array('email' => $post['email']));


if($db->adapter()->fetch() != false)
    $error['userExists'] = "User exists";
    echo "Exists";

How should I do to get this code complete?

我不了解POPPHP,但是在检查API之后 ,您似乎正在寻找的是Pop\\Db\\Sql\\Predicate::equalTo($column, $value, $combine) ,例如:

$sql->select()->where()->equalTo('email', '?');

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