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EntityFrameWork model relationship configuration

I'm coding in ef 5 code first solution and i have a model as follow:

public class User
   public int Id {get;set;}

   public int Role1Id {get; set;}
   public Role Role1 {get; set;}

and another model:

public class Role
   public int Id { get; set;}

   public string Title {get; set;}

also i configure this model in another class as follow:

  public class UserConfig : EntityTypeConfiguration<User>
        public UserConfig()
            ToTable("User", "dbo");
            // Here i want introduce Role1 as navigation property for Role1Id property

here is the question:How can i config User model to introduce Role1 as navigation property for Role1Id property?

You can use annotation:

public class User
   public int Id {get;set;}

   public int Role1Id {get; set;}

   public Role Role1 {get; set;}

EF should configure it automatically as long as the id matches the field generated in the database schema.

You could try to configure it in UserConfig with the following:

HasRequired(user => user.Role1)
   .Map(mapping => mapping.MapKey("Role1Id");

This configures it to be required. You can use the HasOption method if it's not required as well.

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