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Unable to deploy app on google app engine using jetty:“HTTP ERROR 404 Pblm accessing /.Reason: not found”

Ive bee trying to set up a sample 'todo' google app engine example that uses Java, using an article I found here .

However, when I try to run the application locally, and check the localhost:8888 address I get the following error:


Problem accessing /. Reason:

Powered by Jetty://

I've double checked my appengine-web.xml and the web.xml. But cant seem to figure out where Im going wrong.

Links: Appengine-web.xml .

Your appengine-web.xml and web.xml seem correct, but in your web.xml there is:


Did you realise these 2 dots? I think that's the problem. The server can't find the servlet and throws NOT FOUND error.

It should be:


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