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Newbie Trying to re-create Simple Playlist Manager from Ch 3 of OREILLY's “Head First HTML5 Programming”

The title pretty much says it all. I'm a newbie who really loves computers, video games, & robots...anything digital. Anywho, I've just recently gotten into programming because I was thinking about making my own website & I want it to be as awesome as possible. Not to mention, it's a pretty good skill to have. I'd definitely make more designing sites than working the crummy job I have now. But I digress, I took this code from Ch 3 of OREILLY's "Head First HTML5 Programming". I made a "few" adjustments, but nothing major. As you see, it's merely a simple little playlist manager with a few functions & alerts. At 1st glance, the page looks as it should. But when you type in a song & click the "Add Song" button...NOTHING HAPPENS!! Also, the "alerts" DON'T WORK!! Why?! What did I do wrong?! Minus a few irrelevant & "intentional" customization I made to it, it's the same formula used in the book & it should work. "Each" time someone enters a song, "ul.appendChild(li)" should add it to the playlist...RIGHT?!?! Well anyway, here's the html/javascript:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">

window.onload = init;

function init() {

Var button = document.getElementById("addButton");

button.onclick = handleButtonClick;


function handleButtonClick() {

var textInput = document.getElementById("songTextInput");

var songName = textInput.value;

} if (songName == "") {

alert("Enter a track!");

} else {

alert("Congrats...track is now being added!");


var li = document.createElement("li");

li.innerHTML = songName;

var ul = document.getElementById("playlist");




<Input type = "text" Id = "songTextInput" size = "40" placeholder = "Insert track here...">

<Input type = "button" id = "addButton" value = "Add Song">


<ul id="playlist">


Hi the modified code is,

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">

function handleButtonClick() {

var textInput = document.getElementById("songTextInput");

var songName = textInput.value;

 if (songName == "") {

alert("Enter a track!");

} else {

alert("Congrats...track is now being added!");


var li = document.createElement("li");

li.innerHTML = songName;

var ul = document.getElementById("playlist");




<Input type = "text" Id = "songTextInput" size = "40" placeholder = "Insert track here..."/>

<Input type = "button" id = "addButton" onclick="handleButtonClick();" value = "Add Song"/>


<ul id="playlist">


It works fine.

The problem is,

There is no need for window.onload since the function is trigerring on the button click. Thats the only thing i changed in the code. sorry for the delay

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