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Spring JavaConfig, bean's custom scopes and annotations

I have a problem to solve: 1) our project is using Spring JavaConfig approach (so no xml files) 2) I need to create custom scope, example in xml looks like this:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer">
<property name="scopes">
        <entry key="workflow">
                class="com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.flow.spring.WorkflowScope" />

I figured it out with JavaConfig it will looks something like this:

public CustomScopeConfigurer customScope () {
    CustomScopeConfigurer configurer = new CustomScopeConfigurer ();
    Map<String, Object> workflowScope = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    workflowScope.put("workflow", new WorkflowScope ());

    return configurer;

Correct me if I'm wrong with my assumption.

3) I need to annotate my class something as @Component (scope="workflow") again xml configuration would look like this:

<bean id="activitiesClient" class="aws.flow.sample.MyActivitiesClientImpl" scope="workflow"/>

So basically the question is - am I right with my assumption to use @Component (scope="workflow") or it is expected to be in some other way?


You need to use annotation @Scope . Like this:


It is also possible to create custom scope qualifier:

@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface WorkflowScoped {

and use it this way:

class SomeBean

I faced a similar situation in my project, see here .

In essence, you have to pass the WorkflowScope class instance as an argument in the customScope() method and use it; otherwise, it won't work:

public CustomScopeConfigurer customScope(WorkflowScope workflowScope) {
    CustomScopeConfigurer configurer = new CustomScopeConfigurer();
    Map<String, Object> workflowScope = new HashMap<>();
    workflowScope.put("workflow", workflowScope);

    return configurer;

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