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AngularJS: How do I manually set input to $valid in controller?

Using the TokenInput plugin and using AngularJS built-in formController validation.

Right now I'm trying to check if the field contains text, and then set field to valid if it does. The issue with using the plugin is it creates it's own input and then a ul+li for stlying.

I have access to addItem (formname) and my capablities in the controller, I just need to set it to $valid.


<form class="form-horizontal add-inventory-item" name="addItem">
     <input id="capabilities" name="capabilities" token-input data-ng-model="inventoryCapabilitiesAutoComplete" data-on-add="addCapability()" data-on-delete="removeCapability()" required>
     <div class="required" data-ng-show="addItem.capabilities.$error.required" title="Please enter capability."></div>


$scope.capabilityValidation = function (capability) {
  if (capability.name !== "") {
    addItem.capabilities.$valid = true;
    addItem.capabilities.$error.required = false;
  } else {
    addItem.capabilities.$valid = false;
    addItem.capabilities.$error.required = true;

I'm running the capabilityValidation function when TokenInput has something entered and passing in the object.


Found out ng-model on my input does stuff and gets the autocomplete results, which is why I can't get ng-valid to work since it's based on the model.

$scope.inventoryCapabilitiesAutoComplete = {
  options: {
    tokenLimit: null
  source: urlHelper.getAutoComplete('capability')

I didn't write this autocomplete implementation, is there another way to do this where I would have access to the ng-model attr and move the model function somewhere else?

You cannot directly change a form's validity. If all the descendant inputs are valid, the form is valid, if not, then it is not.

What you should do is to set the validity of the input element. Like so;

addItem.capabilities.$setValidity("youAreFat", false);

Now the input (and so the form) is invalid. You can also see which error causes invalidation.

addItem.capabilities.errors.youAreFat == true;

The answers above didn't help me solve my problem. After a long search I bumped into this partial solution .

I've finally solved my problem with this code to set the input field manually to ng-invalid (to set to ng-valid set it to 'true'):

$scope.myForm.inputName.$setValidity('required', false);

I came across this post w/a similar issue. My fix was to add a hidden field to hold my invalid state for me.

<input type="hidden" ng-model="vm.application.isValid" required="" />

In my case I had a nullable bool which a person had to select one of two different buttons. if they answer yes, an entity is added to the collection and the state of the button changes. Until all of the questions get answered, (one of the buttons in each of the pairs has a click) the form is not valid.

vm.hasHighSchool = function (attended) { 
  vm.application.hasHighSchool = attended;
  applicationSvc.addSchool(attended, 1, vm.application);
<input type="hidden" ng-model="vm.application.hasHighSchool" required="" />
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-lg-3"><label>Did You Attend High School?</label><label class="required" ng-hide="vm.application.hasHighSchool != undefined">*</label></div>
  <div class="col-lg-2">
    <button value="Yes" title="Yes" ng-click="vm.hasHighSchool(true)" class="btn btn-default" ng-class="{'btn-success': vm.application.hasHighSchool == true}">Yes</button>
    <button value="No" title="No" ng-click="vm.hasHighSchool(false)" class="btn btn-default" ng-class="{'btn-success':  vm.application.hasHighSchool == false}">No</button>

It is very simple. For example : in you JS controller use this:

$scope.inputngmodel.$valid = false;


$scope.inputngmodel.$invalid = true;


$scope.formname.inputngmodel.$valid = false;


$scope.formname.inputngmodel.$invalid = true;

All works for me for different requirement. Hit up if this solve your problem.

to get this working for a date error I had to delete the error first before calling $setValidity for the form to be marked valid.

delete currentmodal.form.$error.date;
currentmodal.form.$setValidity('myDate', true);

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