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japid42 template engine - changing default japid root views direcotiry

If use Play2, and sample application of japid42 , you will see that it holds japid's view under the following default structure:


How to change it to: {your_app}/app/views ? (to standard/classic play's structure)

Ok. I've figured this out.

public class Global extends JapidRenderer {
    public void onStartJapid() {

This configuration says japid that "app" folder is root where japid scripts located, then it tries to find/look-up for 'japidviews' folder.

So, what I need to do:

  1. create my rapid templates (html files) in app/rapidviews
  2. let japd knows where this 'rapidviews' is located, using setTemplateRoot(..) method

It is OK to me to have "japidviews" but but "views". At least it is in "app" directory but not outside.

import play.Play;
import play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader;
import play.mvc.Result;
import play.mvc.Results;
import cn.bran.japid.template.JapidRenderer;
import cn.bran.play.JapidController;

public class Global extends JapidRenderer {
  public void onStartJapid() {
    setKeepJavaFiles(false); // keep the Java code derived from Japid scripts in memory only

  public Result onError(RequestHeader h, Throwable t) {
    if (Play.application().isProd())
      return Results.internalServerError(JapidController.renderJapidWith("onError.html", h, t));
      return super.onError(h, t);

  public Result onBadRequest(RequestHeader r, String s) {
    if (Play.application().isProd())
      return Results.badRequest(JapidController.renderJapidWith("onBadRequest.html", r, s));
      return super.onBadRequest(r, s);

  public Result onHandlerNotFound(RequestHeader r) {
    // usually one needs to use a customized error reporting in production.
    if (Play.application().isProd() || Play.application().isDev())
      return Results.notFound(JapidController.renderJapidWith("onHandlerNotFound.html", r));
      return super.onHandlerNotFound(r);

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