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OpenCV and VisualStudio 2010 dll problems

Hi everyone I would like to try the openCV library but I have some problems setting up the environment.

From the property Manager I created a new sheet and set:

VC++ Directories : - Include Directories: $(OPENCV_DIR)\\build\\x86\\vc10\\bin and $(OPENCV2_DIR)\\build\\include - Library Directories: $(OPENCV2_DIR)\\build\\x86\\vc10\\lib;

C/C++ : - Additional Includes Directories: $(OPENCV2_DIR)\\include;


opencv_calib3d244d.lib opencv_contrib244d.lib opencv_core244d.lib opencv_features2d244d.lib opencv_flann244d.lib opencv_gpu244d.lib opencv_haartraining_engined.lib opencv_highgui244d.lib opencv_imgproc244d.lib opencv_legacy244d.lib opencv_ml244d.lib opencv_nonfree244d.lib opencv_objdetect244d.lib opencv_photo244d.lib opencv_stitching244d.lib opencv_ts244d.lib opencv_video244d.lib opencv_videostab244d.lib

-Additional Library Directories: $(OPENCV2_DIR)\\libs

I can compile but i can't execute the program because I get an error opencv_core242.dll is missing.

Where's my error? Thanks

"I get an error opencv_core242.dll is missing"

if you linked against the libs in opencv\\build\\x86\\vc10\\lib (your compiler/linker settings look ok),

you'll have to append


to your PATH environment variable, so your exe can find the dlls at runtime.

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