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Sort symfony users by roles

I have a user entity. It implements the basic user-interface.
I want to sort my users by roles and I don't know how to do it.

(it is for send a message for my admins only with a message entity who is targeting the user entity on a ManyToOne relation)

OK, maybe that:

// $users - users from db, collection of user entity class
$myAdmins = array();
foreach($users as $user){
    if (in_array('ROLE_ADMIN', $user->getRoles())) {
      $myAdmins[] = $user;

in $myAdmins has users with ROLE_ADMIN role.

$query = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager()
                'SELECT u FROM MyBundle:User u WHERE u.roles LIKE :role'
            )->setParameter('role', '%"ROLE_MY_ADMIN"%');

$users = $query->getResult();

Offload the work to your DB Server. This query shouldn't take long to return, even with 100,000+ records.

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