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Calculate age (jQuery or PHP) based on date of birth [not based on user input]

I am looking for a JavaScript or PHP script that allows me to calculate somebody's age based on his/her date of birth in the mm/dd/yyyy format. I found this very helpful link " Calculate age in JavaScript " but it seems to be designed to work with user input. However, I am creating a page where I put the DOB directly into the HTML as simple text. Is it then still possible to calculate the age? Basically, I want this line of text to be the end-result:

29 (10/17/1983)

with the value of 29 being automatically computed and displayed as the age in years.

If something like this is possible, I would be very grateful for your help. I am fairly familiar with PHP and/or jQuery but I'm certainly not an advanced pro.


$today = new DateTime();
$birthdate = new DateTime("1973-04-18 09:48:00");
$interval = $today->diff($birthdate);
echo $interval->format('%y years');

See it in action . You can obviously format the out to suit your needs.


This probably does more than you are asking, but will give you the age in years, months, and days.

Like this: 8 years, 7 months, 21 days old

This works well if you have a site for a newborn only a few days old.

This is something I used on my daughters website almost 9 years ago

    function GetMyAge()

birthTime = new Date("July 25, 2004 00:00:00 GMT-0600")
todaysTime = new Date();

<!-- Parse out specific date values
todaysYear = todaysTime.getFullYear()
todaysMonth = todaysTime.getMonth()
todaysDate = todaysTime.getDate()
todaysHour = todaysTime.getHours()
todaysMinute = todaysTime.getMinutes()
todaysSecond = todaysTime.getSeconds()
birthYear = birthTime.getFullYear()
birthMonth = birthTime.getMonth()
birthDate = birthTime.getDate()
birthHour = birthTime.getHours()
birthMinute = birthTime.getMinutes()
birthSecond = birthTime.getSeconds()

<!-- Adjusts for Leap Year Info
if ((todaysYear / 4) == (Math.round(todaysYear / 4))) {
   countLeap = 29}
else {
     countLeap = 28}

<!-- Calculate the days in the month
if (todaysMonth == 2) {
   countMonth = countLeap}
else {
     if (todaysMonth == 4) {
        countMonth = 30}
     else {
        if (todaysMonth == 6) {
           countMonth = 30}
        else {
           if (todaysMonth == 9) {
              countMonth = 30}
           else {
              if (todaysMonth == 11) {
                 countMonth = 30}
              else {
                 countMonth = 31}}}}}

<!-- Doing the subtactions
if (todaysMinute > birthMinute) {
   diffMinute = todaysMinute - birthMinute
   calcHour = 0}
else {
   diffMinute = todaysMinute + 60 - birthMinute
   calcHour = -1}
if (todaysHour > birthHour) {
   diffHour = todaysHour - birthHour + calcHour
   calcDate = 0}
else {
   diffHour = todaysHour + 24 - birthHour  + calcHour
   calcDate = -1}
if (todaysDate > birthDate) {
   diffDate = todaysDate - birthDate + calcDate
   calcMonth = 0}
else {
   diffDate = todaysDate + countMonth - birthDate  + calcDate
   calcMonth = -1}
if (todaysMonth > birthMonth) {
   diffMonth = todaysMonth - birthMonth + calcMonth
   calcYear = 0}
else {
   diffMonth = todaysMonth + 12 - birthMonth + calcMonth
   calcYear = -1}
diffYear = todaysYear - birthYear + calcYear

<!-- Making sure it all adds up correctly
if (diffMinute == 60) {
   diffMinute = 0
   diffHour = diffHour + 1}
if (diffHour == 24) {
   diffHour = 0
   diffDate = diffDate + 1}
if (diffDate == countMonth) {
   diffDate = 0
   diffMonth = diffMonth + 1}
if (diffMonth == 12) {
   diffMonth = 0
   diffYear = diffYear + 1}

if (diffYear != 1)
    YearPlural = "s"

if (diffMonth != 1)    
    MonthPlural = "s"

if (diffDate != 1)     
    DatePlural = "s"

if (diffYear == 0 && diffMonth == 0)
    return (diffDate + ' day' + DatePlural + ' old.  ');
else if (diffYear == 0)
    return (diffMonth + ' month' + MonthPlural + ', ' + diffDate + ' day' + DatePlural + ' old.  ');
    return (diffYear + ' year' + YearPlural + ', ' + diffMonth + ' month' + MonthPlural + ', ' + diffDate + ' day' + DatePlural + ' old.  ');
// -->

In javascript you can calculate it :

function getAge(dateString) {
    var today = new Date();
    var birthDate = new Date(dateString);
    var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
    var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
    if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {
    return age;

Easiest way to calculate age is:


IE Years alive but -1 if you haven't had a birthday yet

MONTH DAY is 0301 for 1st March

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