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Send push notification for one app

I have many application on android. And some users are share the same register ID. How can I specify and send the push notification to a specific app?

Different applications have different registration ids on the same device, so you shouldn't have any problem. What do you mean by users are share the same register ID ? Do you mean users of the same application on the same device? That's the only case where they can share a registration ID.

Even if you use the same Google API project ID when you register the different Apps for Google Cloud Messaging, you'll still get a different registration ID for each app. I tested it.

如果您无法更改注册ID流程来唯一标识您的应用程序(最佳解决方案),则可以发送带有GCM消息的有效负载 ,并使您的应用程序忽略没有特定有效负载的GCM消息。

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