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start websphere server from RAD hangs at “Server server1 open for e-business”

I did the RAD set up recently and trying to start websphere server .

In the log, it hangs at the following line and get terminated after timeout:

Server server1 open for e-business

Thanks for the help.

In my case, I did following configuration which solved the issue and server started.

Double click on the server (in the servers tab). In Server connection types and administrative ports select Automatically determine connection settings and save the changes.

Your workspace folder/name could be the issue.

the WAS installation itself. When moved it to C:\\was8 everything started to work properly. The default puts it into c:\\Program Files... and that was hanging at 23%

a. Please use websphere jre to replace sun hotspot vm to launch the eclipse, like below setting in the eclipse.ini


b. Please make sure there is not a specail character (like 23%) in the websphere path or eclipse workpsace.

将jar com.ibm.ws.orb_8.5.0.jar从C:\\ IBM \\ WebSphere \\ AppServer \\ runtimes复制到C:\\ development \\ endorsed,然后在eclipse.ini中添加此JVM参数(在-vmargs下)-Djava。 endorsed.dirs = C:\\开发\\认可

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