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osx 10.8 refresh finder

I want to programmatically force Finder to refresh in Mountain Lion. In the previous version of OSX, the follow snippet works:

OSStatus    SendFinderSyncEvent( const FSRef* inObjectRef )
    AppleEvent  theEvent = { typeNull, NULL };
    AppleEvent  replyEvent = { typeNull, NULL };
    AliasHandle itemAlias = NULL;
    const OSType    kFinderSig = 'MACS';

OSStatus    err = FSNewAliasMinimal( inObjectRef, &itemAlias );
if (err == noErr)
    err = AEBuildAppleEvent( kAEFinderSuite, kAESync, typeApplSignature,
        &kFinderSig, sizeof(OSType), kAutoGenerateReturnID,
        kAnyTransactionID, &theEvent, NULL, "'----':alis(@@)", itemAlias );

    if (err == noErr)
        err = AESendMessage( &theEvent, &replyEvent, kAENoReply,
            kAEDefaultTimeout );

        AEDisposeDesc( &replyEvent );
        AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );

    DisposeHandle( (Handle)itemAlias );

    return err;

Does anyone know of an alternative to do this on Mountain Lion? Thanks

Its also not working for me.(Bud ID 12571746)
Apple needs to be aware there are lots of developers need this. File a bug report at http://bugreporter.apple.com -- it'll likely be closed as a duplicate, but every vote counts.

For refreshing finder window you can create and delete a file. Take a look at this post.

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