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Android: remove divider of some listitems in listview

I've created a listview with a BaseAdapter . I want some of the listitems to have a divider, but from some of the listitems, I want to remove the divider. I know you can remove the divider of the whole list by setting .setDivider(null) and .setDividerHeight(0) , but is it also possible to remove the divider from a single listitem inside a list?

Thanks in advance!


Yes you can remove divider from specific list items using the `getView` method in your adapter (which extends the baseadapter)

ofc you have something like data in your adapter which refers to the data been displayed into the listview, so in your getview method check for the specific items like this:

if(data[position].ID == YourElemetnsID)
inflate with the specific list item layout
inflate with the general list item layout

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