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Require.js in MVC app

Something wrong and I can't figure it out.

_Layout.cshtml has:

      <script data-main="Scripts/main" 

      @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)


   paths: {
       "jquery": "jquery-1.9.1"

All the way down on index.cshtml:

@section scripts
    <script type="text/javascript">
        require(['jquery'], function ($) {


and it throws 404 trying to find jquery.js. What am I doing wrong?

upd: yes main.js gets called and if comment everything in index.cshtml and put to the end of main.js it something like

], function ($) {
      alert('jquery loaded');

it shows the message

It just occurred to me what your issue is. You're using Paths where you should be using a map.

Try the following, it'll map your jquery file to a short name for you.

   baseUrl: '/scripts',
   map: {
       "jquery": "jquery-1.9.1.js"

In addition, there's a good chance if you hit index it isn't loading your requirejs file in time. If you declared it in your index first, I think that would prevent a race condition.

@David L is correct.

When the javascript inside of the scripts block in index.cshtml runs, your require.config block likely hasn't run yet.


So I ended up by removing data-main attribute from _Layout.cshtml and calling main directly from the page:

@section scripts
    <script type="text/javascript">
        require(['Scripts/main'], function () {
            require([ "views/home-index"] );

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