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DataGrid CheckboxColumn bound to VM property not calling setter

ETA: I'm using Caliburn.Micro so the x:Name property for the Grid is being bound to a Property on the VM called MyData which in turn has the property IsTrue. MyData does inherit from PropertyChangeBase

I have a DataGrid with the a column bound to a bool property on the ViewModel:

<DataGrid x:Name="MyData"
     <DataGridCheckBoxColumn Header="MyChckColumn"
                     Binding="{Binding IsTrue, Mode=TwoWay}"

it only goes into the setter when something else on the grid is selected, but not when I actually check a box that was empty.

  public bool IsTrue
        return _isTrue;
        if (value.Equals(_isTrue)) return;
        _isTrue= value;
        NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => IsTrue);

Is there some validation method I need to call, or a trigger that needs to be set?

To get the behavior you are after, you would have to set the UpdateSourceTrigger property of the binding to PropertyChanged .

By default the binding source is updated when the cell looses focus.

Binding="{Binding IsTrue, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"

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