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.htaccess rewrite rule for adding a trailing slash by unmatching a string in the URL

The following .htaccess rule un-matches string admin and adds a trailing slash(/) to that URL if admin is not found in the URL

RewriteRule ^((?!admin).)*((?!\/).)$ /$1/ [L,R] 

But it has an error, and it is


should result to : http://www.domain.com/index/

But currently it is resulting: http://www.domain.com/inde/

Please find a solution to correct it. Thanks Very much .

Your expression captured the last character in a group.

This will solve the issue:

RewriteRule ^(?!.*admin)(.*?)\/?$ /$1/ [L,R] 

Check out the explained demo here: http://regex101.com/r/kL6pV1

Note: this will invalidate any URL that contains admin , not necessarily starting with admin

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