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Fixed Sorted List / Data structure

I'm writing something to that logs the performance of various methods across objects. I want to find the top 10 slowest times. Hence I want something like a sorted list that's fixed, eg in my case 10. So whenever I've got a new time, I just insert it and it orders it. It will be fixed, so after i've inserted the 5th time (assuming its limited to 5 for the example below) then the list won't grow, but it will just insert it into the list, and remove the smallest value.


var topTen = new XXX<double>(5);


topTen[0] is 6
topTen[1] is 5
topTen[2] is 4
topTen[3] is 3
topTen[4] is 2

I was going to write something for it but I was just wondering if there was anything out there already in .net.

Typically, you do something like this with a heap. For example:

var heap = new BinaryHeap<int>();

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
    var time = GetTimeSomehow();
    if (heap.Count < 5)
    else if (time > heap.Peek())
        // the new value is larger than the smallest value on the heap.
        // remove the smallest value and add this one.

That limits the size to 5, and when you're done you can get the top 5 in order:

while (heap.Count > 0)
    var time = heap.RemoveRoot();

There is no heap data structure available in the .NET Framework. I published a simple one a while back. See A Generic BinaryHeap Class .

Try this (untested):

int listLength = 5;

List<int> list = new List<int>(listLength+1);

void VerifyTime(int time) {
  list[listLength] = time;
  var i = listLength;
  while (listLength>0  &&  list[listLength] < list[listLength-1])
    swap(list, listLength, listLength-1);

void swap (List<int> l, int a, int b) {
  var temp = l[a];
  l[a] = l[b];
  l[b] = temp;

For any small value of ListLength it should work just fine.

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