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Why is SomeClass<? super T> not equivalent to SomeClass<T> in Java generic types?

I noticed the specificaition for Collections.sort:

public static <T> void sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c)

Why is the " ? super " necessary here? If ClassB extends ClassA , then wouldn't we have a guarantee that a Comparator<ClassA> would be able to compare two ClassB objects anyway, without the " ? super " part?

In other words, given this code:

List<ClassB> list = . . . ;
Comparator<ClassA> comp = . . . ;
Collections.sort(list, comp);

why isn't the compiler smart enough to know that this is OK even without specifying " ? super " for the declaration of Collections.sort()?

Josh Bloch had a talk at Google I/O this year, called Effective Java Reloaded , which you may find interesting. It talks about a mnemonic called "Pecs" (producer extends , consumer super ), which explains why you use ? extends T ? extends T and ? super T ? super T in your input parameters (only; never for return types), and when to use which.


This is similar to C#, I just learned about it a couple days ago as to why (the hard way, and then the PDC informative way).

Assume Dog extends Animal

Blah<Dog> is not the same as Blah<Animal> they have completely different type signatures even though Dog extends Animal .

For example assume a method on Blah<T> :

T Clone();  

In Blah<Dog> this is Dog Clone(); while in Blah<Animal> this is Animal Clone(); .

You need a way to distinguish that the compiler can say that Blah<Dog> has the same public interface of Blah<Animal> and that's what <? super T> <? super T> indicates - any class used as T can be reduced to its super class in terms of Blah<? super T> Blah<? super T> .

(In C# 4.0 this would be Blah<out T> I believe.)

It's obvious to you that, in the case of Comparator , any ancestor of T would work. But the compiler doesn't know that class Comparator functions like that - it just needs to be told whether it should allow <T> or <? super T> <? super T> .

Viewed another way, yes it's true that any Comparator of an ancestor would work in this case - and the way the library developer says that is to use <? super T> <? super T> .

The simple answer to your question is that the library designer wanted to give the maximum flexibility to the user of the library; this method signature for example allows you to do something like this:

List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(1,2,3);
Comparator<Number> numberComparator = ...;

Collections.sort(ints, numberComparator);

Using the wildcard prevents you from being forced to use a Comparator<Integer> ; the fact that the language requires a wildcard to be specified by the library designer enables him or her to either permit or restrict such use.

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