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Apache Shiro and SSO

Apache Shiro is a Java security framework and support SSO. And I have multiple sub-domains, each of which has separate application running. How can I use Apache Shiro web filters(or any other) to provide single sign on.

Should I need a SSO server or service (like CAS?) before I use Apache Shiro ? Or Apache Shiro do not need SSO server or service (like CAS) ?


I am not Shiro expert, but I will try to help you.
According to my understanding Shiro does not provide SSO service out of the box. You need to use CAS filter as SSO service. Please look the following page that explain you how to define Shiro CasFilter: http://shiro.apache.org/cas.html

为了让 Shiro 支持 SSO,Cas 现在已被弃用,您需要使用buji-pac4j库来支持使用多种协议(如 SAML、OpenIdConnect 等)的 SSO。

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