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Github and local development for an open source project

We are working on an open source project and going to publish it on Github. Currently we have a repo on our own server which the developers pull/push to.

Considering this, can we have a setup to do our development using our own repo. And then push to the repo on Github as a single commit once the changes ready to be released?

Or what the standard practice for this?

You could set a remote which points to GitHub.

git remote add github git@github.com:user/project.git

Then you could push to that when you want your changes to appear on the GitHub repo.

git push github

Make your code upto date with the code on your server. Then create a repository on Github and you will get a url for your repository. Then follow these steps

git remote add origin https://github.com/username/reponame.git
git push -u origin --all

It will push all your commits and all your branches on your machine to github. Refer this git hub link

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