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store the text-box value in arrays

i have one html page in them one text-box

<input type="text" id="region&activity">

<input type="button" id="result" value="submit">

in text-box i am entered Race in Gujarat i want to store this value in to Array
something. Race in one array and Gujarat in another array
help me or give some idea to do this.

try this

 $abc='race in gujrat';
 list($event,$state) = split('in',$abc);
  echo $event;
 echo $state;

and store that string in array

Using PHP

This result assumes you are splitting them into an array after the space.

$text  = "Race in Gujarat";
$result =  explode(" ", $text);
echo $result[0];  //Race
echo $result[1];  //in
echo $result[2];  //Gujarat

As your question isn't clearly defined, I'm assuming that you wish to remove the word "in", and split the the string into separate arrays on the space character.

How about (using jQuery for convenience):

var splitRegion=$("#region&activity").val().replace(/in /g," ").split(" ");

By the way, I believe an ampersand (&) is an illegal character in an id.

if you want to use java script then do something this type:-

    var name = $('#select').val();
        type: "POST",
        data: {"name":name} ,
        url: "array.php",
        async: false,       
        success: function(result) { 


this is your html code:-

    <input type="text" id="select">
    <input  type="button" id="filter" name="button" value="Search">
    <div id="result">

this is array.php:-

$name= $_POST['name'];
$result =  explode("in", $name);
foreach($result as $row){
echo $row;

try this:-

 $abc= $_POST['name'];
 list($event,$state) = explode('in',$abc);

 foreach($array1 as $city)
echo $city;
foreach($array2 as $st)
echo $st;

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