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Nginx rewrite a folder with exclude

i am working on nginx webserver.

I want to redirect all urls inside folder1 www.site.com/folder1/ but not the subfolder1 www.site.com/folder1/subfolder1

I created these rules to nginx configuration but no luck.

location = /folder/subfolder {


location /folder {

rewrite ^/folder(.*) www.redirect.com permanent;


Am i missing something?

Ok so here's a refined answer including some of the comments I've read plus one of mine,
to be able to access the assets inside the subfolder I added the try_files , and the 301 redirect in all other urls was added for the redirection.

location /folder/subfolder {
    try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

location /folder {
    return 301 $scheme://example.com;

Your new set of rules should be as follows. I am assuming that valid file hits are okay (ie the user knew the file). If you do not want this behaviour, replace try_files with the content of the @rw block:

location /folder {
    try_files $uri $uri/ @rw;
location @rw {
    rewrite ^/folder/([^\/]*) http://www.redirect.com/ permanent;

These should work.

Remove the "=" because that's for "exact" match. So it only matches the folder itself, and a request for "/folder/subfolder/a_file.html" won't match that block. Also you need to add $scheme in your rewrite rule. And if you just want to redirect to the home page ( http://www.redirect.com ), you can remove the "$1" part.

location /folder/subfolder {


location /folder {

  rewrite ^/folder(.*)$ $scheme://www.redirect.com$1 permanent;


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