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Extracting a key value pairs from an array and group the array in php

In a single form, there are inputs named:

  • foo_name
  • foo_age
  • foo_bday
  • bar_cost
  • bar_date

After I submit the form using post as a method, I wanted to group the inputs into arrays like this:

$post = array(
    'foo' => array(),
    'bar' => array(),
    'baz' => array()

So all array_keys that starts with 'foo' will be pushed into 'foo' array and so as the others. Together ofcourse with their respective values.

Here is my try:

$post = array('foo' => array(), 'bar' => array(), 'baz' => array());
echo '<pre>';
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    if (startsWith($key, 'foo_')) {
        array_push($post['foo'], $key = $value);
    } else if(startsWith($key, 'bar_')) {
    } else if (startsWith($key, 'baz_')) {

foreach ($post['foo'] as $key => $value) {
    echo $key . ' = ' . $value . '<br>';

The last foreach statement output this

0 = 1111
1 = 1112
2 = 210

instead of having its array_keys, the indeces where produced if $key where outputted

$post = array();

foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
  $key = explode('_', $key);
  $post[$key[0]][$key[1]] = $value;

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

Here is a phpFiddle

如果您能够根据需要命名输入字段,则可以从头开始将它们name="foo[name]"等 - 这将为您提供相应的数组结构,而无需使用其他代码自行构建数据。

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