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Best practices for verifying recursive method calls with Mockito

Consider this example class:

public class Processor {
  private final Dependency dependency;

  public Processor(Dependency dependency) {
    this.dependency = dependency;

  public void processUsers(List<Integer> userIds, int attempt) {
    if (attempt == 0) {
      //log initial processing
    } else if (attempt > 0 && attempt < 5) {
      //log retry processing
    } else {
      //log processing limit exceeded
    List<Integer> failedIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (Integer userId : userIds) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
    if (failedIds.isEmpty()) {
      //log ok
    } else {
      processUsers(failedIds, attempt + 1);

  public void processUser(Integer userId) throws Exception{
    //dependency can throw exception

I would like to verify that method processUsers calls itself when exception is thrown. Here is my testy test:

public class ProcessorTest {
  public void processShouldCallItselfWithFailedSublistWhenProcessingFails(){
    Dependency dependency = mock(Dependency.class);
    Processor processor = new Processor(dependency);
    processor.processUsers(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{1,2,3}), 0);
    //need to verify processor will call #processUsers recursively
    //because the dependency thrown Exception, how?

What are best practices for verifying that method calls itself recursively under certain circumstances?

I'm using TestNG + Mockito and this verbose language called JAVA

You can verify the number of times dependency.call() is invoked. This would tell you that retry worked - just by the number of calls:

public void processShouldCallItselfWithFailedSublistWhenProcessingFails() {
    Dependency dependency = mock(Dependency.class);
    when(dependency.call()).thenReturn(1, 2).thenThrow(Exception.class).
    Processor processor = new Processor(dependency);
    processor.processUsers(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3}), 0);
    verify(dependency, times(4)).call();

This would tell you that retry eventually failed with too many exceptions:

public void processShouldFailAfterTooManyRetries() {
    Dependency dependency = mock(Dependency.class);
    Processor processor = new Processor(dependency);
    final List<Integer> userIds = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3});
    final int expectedRetries = 5;
    processor.processUsers(userIds, 0);
    verify(dependency, times(expectedRetries * userIds.size())).call();

If the call to dependency actually used the userId, then you could actually check that all the expected calls to dependency.call(int userId) happened. This would tell you that it all of them went through given enough retries:

public void processShouldCallItselfWithFailedSublistWhenProcessingFails() {
    Dependency dependency = mock(Dependency.class);
        thenReturn(1, 2).thenThrow(Exception.class).thenReturn(4);
    Processor processor = new Processor(dependency);
    processor.processUsers(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3}), 0);
    verify(dependency, times(2)).call(3);

public void processShouldFailAfterTooManyRetries() {
    Dependency dependency = mock(Dependency.class);
    Processor processor = new Processor(dependency);
    final List<Integer> userIds = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3});
    final int expectedRetries = 5;
    processor.processUsers(userIds, 0);
    for (Integer userId : userIds) {
        verify(dependency, times(expectedRetries)).call(userId);

Not sure about best practices but you can achieve same by verifying number of times the method is invoked

 int invocationCount = 5; // Or any other desired number

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