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Display scrolling message - doesn't work

I'm beginner at JavaScript, and try to do easy core examples accordings this Workshop: Displaying a Scrolling Message .

But this variant scroll message doesn't work. And I can't understand why this happen. My web browser Google Chrome , encoding ANSI .


    <head><title>Scrolling Message Example</title>
            msg = "This is an example of a scrolling message. Isn't it exciting?";
            msg = "...          ..." + msg;
            pos = 0;

            function ScrollMessage() {
               window.status = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos);
               if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0;
               window.setTimeout("ScrollMessage()", 200);

            <h1>Scrolling Message Example</h1>
            Look at the status line at the bottom of this page. (Don't
            watch it too long, as it may be hypnotic.)


  • How do solve this trouble?
  • Which other variants better to use for this aim?

See this post about JavaScript window.status

Aparently window.status has been disabled by default in most browsers for security reasons.

I assume the exercise is about the scrolling effect, not about the status bar.

If you replace this

window.status = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos);


console.log(msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos));

You will see in your console that the function that is creating the scroll effect itself is working just fine.

If you want to display the scrolling message, just create a <div> in your page where you want to display the message and update the content of the div each time the scroll function is called.

I modified your example:

    <head><title>Scrolling Message Example</title>
            var msg = "This is an example of a scrolling message. Isn't it exciting?";
            msg = "...          ..." + msg;
            var pos = 0;

            function ScrollMessage() {
                document.getElementById("scrollMsgContainer").innerHTML = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos);
                if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0;
                window.setTimeout(ScrollMessage, 200);
        <h1>Scrolling Message Example</h1>
        Look at the status line at the bottom of this page. (Don't
        watch it too long, as it may be hypnotic.)

        <div id="scrollMsgContainer" style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; width: 100%; background-color: #DDDDDD">&nbsp;</div>

Why don't you use document.title instead:

function ScrollMessage() {
               document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos);
               if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0;
               window.setTimeout("ScrollMessage()", 200);

It's supported in all browsers except for IE <= 7;

Check MDN window.status reference. Google Chrome have not status bar and Mozilla Firefox blocks status bar changes by default.

You could try a Sticky Footer in HTML and set the content of it.

Hope it help..

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