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d3.js circles are not appearing

I'm working through this tutorial


I'm trying to just get update nodes working(my data is slightly different).

var updateNodes = function(nodes){
console.log("updateNodes Called");
var node = nodesG.selectAll("circle.node").data(nodes,function(d){
    return d.id;



This does not make any circles appear on the DOM.

nodesG is defined as :

var nodesG = d3.selectAll("g");

and this function is called from

var update = function(){





Why is nothing appearing?


The first thing that is not working in your code is that you don't create a svg element in which you will draw your circle. So you have to replace

    var nodesG = d3.selectAll("g");


    var nodesG = d3.select('body').append('svg');

Then, you don't define well the attributes x and y of your circles. These attributes, I guess, depend on the property x and y of each node. Thus you have to replace the following:

    .attr("cx", x)
    .attr("cy", y)        


    .attr("cx", function(d){return d.x})
    .attr("cy", function(d){return d.y})
  • Finally, you have to call update() at the end of your script

Here is a working jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/chrisJamesC/S6rgv/

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